
0048MoonMunkie is the project of Jemma Fifield: artist, teacher, mother, Suffolkated columnist and Nutella addict.

She set up MoonMunkie because her living room couldn’t cope with the continual influx of art materials and craft projects. It grew from there to be a place where people come for creative time. To inspire and be inspired. To learn new techniques, try new things and to find that they have artistic depths they hadn’t discovered before.

When she’s not being a Munkie Jemma divides her time between being Mummy and teaching A levels. It’s probably because of these things that her living room still looks like an explosion in an art shop, although there have been rumours that there is a desk under there somewhere.

Jemma has been making and creating since she was traumatised at an early age by her Mother. She wanted a Sindy doll so badly. She asked for one for months. She was so excited as she opened the Christmas present knowing there would be a dolly in it just for her. And there was. A freckled Sindy with long chestnut hair. And a trench coat… A long, toad-green, trench coat.

Here’s a photo of her at the start of her making career, realising that she should have specified “princess” in her request. But it was the point at which sewing became a necessity. And the rest just came from there.
