Mystery Make Goes Global!

Gosh, I’m so excited at this news that I can’t wait to tell you all  about it. Two otherMoon Munkie Mystery Makes are underway! I hadn’t realised, but 2 of the winners of the competition I ran are doing their giveaways straightaway! So why not head on over and take part… that way if you missed out on the Moon Munkie packages, you still have 2 more chances to win. And while you’re at it, why not run a Moon Munkie Mystery Make of your own? (Be sure to drop me a line so I can enter!)

So, drop what you’re doing and pop over right away to visit Sica at The Seek Speak and Kat at Modern Vintage Cupcakes  and you could pick up a package of goodies.

If you decide to run your own Moon Munkie Mystery Make, help yourself to my button and drop me a line at  and I’ll post about it too!
